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Natalie Marchevsky


Senior Medical Statistician

Natalie joined the Oxford Vaccine Group as a Medical Statistician in 2020, where she initially focussed on the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine trials. She holds a BSc in Mathematics and Statistics and an MSc in Medical Statistics, and has prior experience working in clinical trials across multiple therapeutic areas including women’s health, coloproctology and colorectal cancer, and primary care research.

In her current role, Natalie works on a diverse portfolio of both adult and paediatric vaccine studies, including COVID-19, measles, MERS-CoV, Nipah virus, plague, and malaria vaccine trials. She also contributes to research examining the optimisation of routine infant vaccine schedules.  

Her research interests include childhood immunisation schedules and early phase trials, particularly those targeting emerging pathogens.

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