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The Oxford Vaccine Group is an independent multi-disciplinary clinical trials and epidemiology group based at the Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford. OVG works towards the goal of developing new and improved vaccines for the prevention of infection in adults and children.
Sir Andrew Pollard
BSc MBBS PhD (Lond), DIC, MRCP (UK), FHEA, FRCPCH, MA, FMedSci, FRS Sir Andrew Pollard - Ashall Professor of Infection & Immunity
Daniel O'Connor
BSc AFHEA MSc DPhil (OXON) Daniel O'Connor - Associate Professor | Head of Bioinformatics
James Gilchrist
MBioch, MBBS, MRCPCH, DPhil, PGDip Paediatric Infectious Diseases James Gilchrist - Wellcome Career Development Fellow
Sue Ann Costa Clemens
MD, PhD, COMM, CORB, CBE Sue Ann Costa Clemens - SAIL for Health Professor
Young Kim
BMBS BMedSci BSc MRes DPhil (Oxon) Young Kim - Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow and Principal Investigator
Kat Pollock
MA MBBS MRCP DipGUM DipHIV DFSRH PhD Kat Pollock - MRC Clinician Scientist in Vaccinology
Maheshi Ramasamy
MA (Cantab), MBBChir (Cantab), MRCP (UK), DPhil (Oxon) Maheshi Ramasamy - Associate Professor