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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection represents an excellent paradigm of precision medicine in modern paediatrics and several clinical trials are currently performed in the prevention and management of RSV infection. A new taxonomic terminology for RSV was recently adopted, while the diagnostic and omics techniques have revealed new modalities in the early identification of RSV infections and for better understanding of the disease pathogenesis. Coordinated clinical and research efforts constitute an important step in limiting RSV global predominance, improving epidemiological surveillance, and advancing neonatal and paediatric care. This review article presents the key messages of the plenary lectures, oral presentations and posters of the '5th workshop on paediatric virology' (Sparta, Greece, 12th October 2019) organized by the Paediatric Virology Study Group, focusing on recent advances in the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis, clinical management and prevention of RSV infection in childhood.

Original publication





Int J Mol Med

Publication Date





509 - 520


Greece, Humans, Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections, Respiratory Syncytial Viruses