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Hannah Robinson and Sarah Loving from the Department of Paediatrics were recognised in the annual awards hosted by the Thames Valley Clinical Research Network

Hannah Robinson (pictured above) won 'Outstanding contribution to Children’s Research (Memorial award)' for her work as a Senior Nurse / Clinical Co-ordinator with Oxford Vaccine Group (OVG) and Sarah Loving (pictured below) won 'Innovation in Patient and Public Involvement' for her work as Project Manager for the Vaccine Knowledge Project with OVG.

Sarah Loving AwardHealthcare professionals who help run research trials in the NHS were honoured at an awards ceremony at St Hilda’s College, Oxford on Tuesday, 26 September.

Doctors, nurses and researchers were among those recognised at the Thames Valley Health Research Awards.

They contribute to research supported by the NIHR Clinical Research Network Thames Valley and South Midlands (LCRN), a Department of Health-funded body that helps get trials under way in the NHS.

Read here for the full article on the NIHR Thames Valley CRN website.

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