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The Oxford Vaccine Group, part of University of Oxford, gave 99 volunteers a drink laced with live Salmonella Typhi bacteria a month after vaccinating them. Between 40% and 50% of the volunteers for the trial were students, Healthcare professionals were allowed to take part if they were not in patient-facing jobs or if they were willing to take around 3-4 weeks off work to be infected
OVG Alumni
Browse the OVG Alumni, including those who have undertaken a PhD/DPhil, MSc or MD (a graduate degree in the UK for medical graduates) at OVG since 2001, with date of graduation and where available information on their current or most recent/notable role.
The Oxford Vaccine Group conducts laboratory and clinical research in many different areas related to infectious diseases and vaccination in childhood as well as adulthood. Below you can browse all the different areas we investigate.
Study & Train @ OVG
We are committed to providing high quality education and training, together with research updates for medical professionals and all those involved in the area of vaccines and paediatric and adult infectious diseases.
Our Team
The Oxford Vaccine Group is led by its director Professor Sir Andrew Pollard. Browse the full list of members of our team below.