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The Oxford Vaccine Group, part of University of Oxford, gave 99 volunteers a drink laced with live Salmonella Typhi bacteria a month after vaccinating them. Between 40% and 50% of the volunteers for the trial were students, Healthcare professionals were allowed to take part if they were not in patient-facing jobs or if they were willing to take around 3-4 weeks off work to be infected
Sir Andrew Pollard
BSc MBBS PhD (Lond), DIC, MRCP (UK), FHEA, FRCPCH, MA, FMedSci, FRS Sir Andrew Pollard - Ashall Professor of Infection & Immunity
Emma Plested
Emma Plested - Programme and Regulatory Affairs Director (UK)
Daniel O'Connor
BSc AFHEA MSc DPhil (OXON) Daniel O'Connor - Associate Professor | Head of Bioinformatics
Yama G.Farooq
BCA Computer Application , MSc in Information Technology and Software Engineering Yama G.Farooq - Programming and Data Management Director